Biggest Cryptocurrencies

Biggest Cryptocurrencies
As of today, Friday, February 16, 2024, here are the biggest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization:
Biggest Cryptocurrencies
Rank | Name | Market Cap (USD Billion) | Price (USD) |
1 | Bitcoin (BTC) | 1,019.56 | 48,902.25 |
2 | Ethereum (ETH) | 339.34 | 2,458.01 |
3 | Tether (USDT) | 97.23 | 1.00 |
4 | BNB (BNB) | 53.08 | 278.23 |
5 | XRP (XRP) | 20.96 | 0.3549 |
6 | Cardano (ADA) | 19.38 | 0.4051 |
7 | Binance USD (BUSD) | 19.34 | 1.00 |
8 | Solana (SOL) | 16.05 | 28.73 |
9 | Dogecoin (DOGE) | 13.05 | 0.0944 |
10 | USD Coin (USDC) | 12.90 | 1.00 |
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- Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the total number of coins in circulation by the price per coin. It’s a common metric for gauging a cryptocurrency’s overall size and market dominance.
- This list represents a snapshot in time, and the rankings can change based on market fluctuations.
- Investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks due to their volatility and lack of regulation. Do your own research before making any investment decisions.
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